Thursday, April 28, 2005

Melissa Buckley '08

Originally uploaded by echabitat.
Lets try this again...

We have twenty-four hours until we leave for our journey into the southern United States. I have not been to many of the areas we will be traveling to and driving through, so it is exciting that I will be able to go to places I have never been. I can't wait to leave tomorrow, but it still feels so far away. It is so great that this trip is FINALLY happening after all we have been through. Anyway, that's enough for now, so feel free to comment on the website and the posts and leave little messages!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melissa Ann, I hope you have a great time!! I miss you!!!! and I love you!!!

9:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa, We hope you're having a great time. It's going to be a long month for us. Tomorrow is really the beginning of your new journey! We hope you enjoy every minute of it. We love you.

Mom, Dad, Ashley & Brianna

9:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are anxiously awaiting for you to give us some kind of updateon your web site! All is well here. We love you.

Mom,Dad Ashley & Brianna

8:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear that you are in my neck of the woods. Hope all is going well for you. Call if you need anything!

Jill J

11:05 AM


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