Thursday, April 28, 2005

malorie and balloons

malorie and balloons
Originally uploaded by echabitat.
Tomorrow afternoon, we leave for Robbins TN. A four week trip to the southren part of the United States. For three weeks we will be building houses,learning about habitat, and relaxing. I have so many goals for this trip; I want to be a more knowledgeable person about Habitat and how it works, I want to get to know the girls that are going on the trip more, but most importantly I just want to have fun (which I know we will). I'm so excited, I don't know how I am going to sleep! I'm also extreamly scared, I have never really been to the "deep south", and being from Maine I don't really know how to react to diversity, but I will learn as the trip goes on. That's about it. The next journal entry will be from Robbins TN.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was upset that i was unable to say goodbye to you before you left. i'm glad i got to know you better on the ski trip, you are an amazing person. i can't wait to spend my last days of the term with you when you get back from the trip. i will miss you. keep in touch. can't wait hit the slopes again! enjoy the warm weather!

12:38 AM


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